On November 12 at a few of us got together in the club house to pack shoeboxes. We shared a  delicious breakfast and then packed shoeboxes. I am always surprised and delighted by the items that I have donated for the packing party. Including, but not limited to, everything from string bags and pop bracelets (thanks Angela) to homemade needlepoint sets and sticker kits (thanks Sandy). Some items are just left for me in the welcome center (wooden dinosaurs with marker sets to color them) and I never know who they are from but I oooh and ahh over them and gratefully pack them up just the same. That day we packed 226 shoeboxes.

On Sunday, November 20 the last of the individual shoeboxes came back to the church and we packed them up in the cars and took them over to First Baptist for the drop off (thanks Sacca Family. Altogether we packed 261 boxes this year! Thank you one and all for making this year such a success! And yes, Pastor Dana, we did get all of the boxes out of the attic of the Fellowship Hall.


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