Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church

3140 Pleasant Grove Road

Cumming, GA 30028


Weekly Schedule

Worship Service – Sunday, 10:30 AM


Please excuse our abbreviated coverage of the February 9, 2025 service.  We experienced some technical difficulties.  Thank you for your understanding.



An ASH WEDNESDAY Service will be held on March 5th at 6:30 pm.






You can worship with us in-person or live stream at 10:30 a.m. each
Sunday on Facebook and our website, The service is also
recorded and posted for you to worship any time at your convenience.

For those who are high risk or caring for
someone who is, those feeling unwell for any reason, or those potentially
exposed to someone with the virus please worship online.


Prayers for our world as we go through the struggles of this time!



Online giving is now available on this website. You will be able to securely make a donation to your church via your credit card or checking account from our website, Facebook page, or even download an app on your smartphone. Of course, you’ll still be able to give the old fashioned way by mailing in or dropping off your check. The link to the secure Vanco site can be found at the bottom of any page on this website.











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Come And Visit