Prayer Networking/Caring Ministry

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. James 5:13-14

If you have a need for special prayer, please call Jennifer Wisnewski at 404-226-0023.

If you would like to be part of this “CHAIN” call  Jennifer or the Church Office at 770-844-7095 and your name will be added to the list.

The Pleasant Grove UMC Altar Guild is a Service Ministry. The Guild’s purpose is to provide the best possible environment for our congregation’s worship of God. This committee works closely with the Pastor and the Worship Committee to provide visual elements which reflect the liturgical season.

The space to the right of the Altar Table is designated as a place of honor and is important to us. If you would like to help us celebrate and remember, or honor someone or an event, we welcome your contribution. Please call our church secretary, Diane, to add your name to the altar calendar. A reminder is that flowers must be fresh, however they do not have to be from a florist.

Beth Blalock and Mary Stark, co-chairs     


Pleasant Grove Sunday Coffee Corner

It’s a New Year and I, Brenda Ashmore, will be taking over Sunday Morning Coffee responsibility for Chris Bannon.  I want to thank Chris for all his hard work on making Sunday Morning Coffee Corner so successful.  Also, for all the church members that helped out.  I hope I can continue with the success for 2024.  I will also be asking for members to help out.  I will finish January and have February and March covered.  If anyone wants to talk about helping, please see me either before or after church services or contact the church.  I will be glad to show you how to make coffee and hot water.  Looking forward to keeping the Pleasant Grove Coffee Corner a continued success in 2024. Happy New Year to All and God Bless.



Saying Hello

Pastor Meg Morrison was appointed as our new pastor at Annual Conference in June. Pastor Meg is a lifelong United Methodist, a native of Athens, Georgia, with 18 years of ministry in the United Methodist Church. She graduated from Wesleyan College in Macon, has a master’s degree in education from UGA, and a master’s degree from Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Join us as we welcome another Georgia Bulldog to our pulpit!!





July 1 – Mary Cheatham

July 1 – Patience Wisniewski

July 3 – David Wisniewski

July 15 – Anita Knight

July 27 – Sara McDaniel

July 27 – Debra Williams

July 30 – Wesley Ross




July 10 – Steve & Jean Massie


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